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Today we took a tour of Southeast Missouri State University. BoyHead was completely content and satisfied with enrolling in the local community college...until about three weeks ago. I guess he figured it was time to get out from under the thumb of dear ol' Mom and Dad (can't blame him there--ed.). Perhaps, he wanted to pursue courses of study that just aren't available at the local C.C.--yeah, right. Most probably, it had something to do with the fact that one of his good buddies (and HaloTM partner) was also going there and needed a roomate. As Fortune would have it, dear old Dad had
coerced encouraged BoyHead to apply to three nearby Universities in advance of the December scholarship deadline. As luck would have it, B.H. was accepted to all three and was offered scholarships to two.
Initially, the tour was planned for yesterday (Friday), but for multiple reasons we had to reschedule. We were told that the Saturday tours would not be able to meet with faculty. Understandable. Who wants to mess up a Saturday with a potential student. But...imagine our surprise when the Chairman of the Engineering Physics Department called during our tour of campus to invite us for a personal interview and to tour the Department. Now B.H. does pretty well in math. He scored very well on the ACT. I'm convinced that was the reason for our Saturday tour. Lovely Wife and I were delighted, B.H. was less so.
During the tour, I saw a glow appear on the face of the BoyHead. He was enthralled. Soon, it was B.H. who was asking the questions. When we left the building (after over an hour) BoyHead said, "this is exactly what I want to do". I feel really good about it. L.W. feels really good about it. B.H. is excited about it. Buddy of the BoyHead is pleased. It's a win, win, win, win.
Today we had our pictures taken for the new church directory. And since we were sitting there all perty and all...we decided to order some pics for ourselves. It's all part of the Big Sell. But, we knew it was coming (I even brought my checkbook) and it's been quite a while--since the last church directory--that we've had a family sitting. I'm very impressed with B.H.'s ability to flash his brilliant smile in the millisecond that the picture is taken. Unfortunately, I was not in sync with the photographer.
It was a brief three years ago when I first began this site. One of my earliest posts was Lovely Daughter's induction into the National Junior Honor Society. Now, a scant 36 months later, she has been inducted into the National Honor Society. This is an honor shared by only 13% of her peers. I just know that L.D. will do great things in her life and she's only just beginning. Look out world!
Today, BoyHead received his test scores from his latest (and final!) effort at the ACT. He's done it. He finally made the magic ACT Composite Score of 30. According to the ACT website, that's the 97th percentile. His math score was in the 99th percentile. Well, we knew all along he's a smart kid. A chip off the old block. We're very proud of our little B.H. As promised, I forked over a Benji for his efforts (after all, a 30 is worth thou$and$ in scholarships). So next week we're going to tour some college campi...let's just see where the BoyHead will end up.
Last night was the first day of the season for the Western Saint Charles Dodgeball League. Last year, Lovely Daughter's team--Fish in a Barrel--didn't do too well. Of course, they were competing against teams composed of high school (and some college) boys. This year things have changed. In addition to the boy's teams, there is a co-ed division and a girls division. There are other important additions: rules, officials, referees. Really, the whole thing was so surprisingly popular last year that we were caught a bit off guard. Not so this year. We have bullhorns. We have a League Comissioner. I've been named the Vice President of Thursday Nights.
Thanks to all of you who remembered me on my birthday. It's nice to be remembered. My loving family gathered 'round and paid me proper homage. And gave me gifts. I got some money, new shorts and shirts, some new flip-flops, a book, a wireless optical mouse and new speakers for my PC--with a subwoofer. I can now rock out in the correct fashion. And after my birthday dinner...butterscotch cake with butterscotch frosting. It was delicious. Here's to another 43.
We've been going through BoyHead's Senior Year with just a wisp of melancholy. Or, is it impending melancholy. It's the tinge of sadness that you just know is coming, but is not quite here yet. Still, you can perceive its outer edges slowly advancing. Just beyond the horizon.'s BoyHead's last year on the High School Tennis Team. He's on the #1 doubles team and is really enjoying it. Perhaps I'm a bit biased, but he carries that team. He's really very good. Maybe next year he'll play in college. Where's he going, you ask? Stay tuned...
Lately, we've taken to calling Lovely Daughter The Countessa. Mainly, because it's Spring Break and she sleeps til 2 in the afternoon. "Has The Countessa arisen?". I jest. Really. She's a great kid. I think by the time a kid is 15, they've already developed most of their character, morals, traits. We're mostly done with that part and I think we've done a good job with her. Now, driving. I consider driving to be one of the last important things I teach my kids. If they die before 25, it's most likely to be in a car. And I tell them that. Repeatedly.
Today Lovely Daughter got one step closer to the final examination (the trip to Chicago). She has officially mastered the highway driving sign test: I70 East to I370 East to I270 North to I170 South to I70 West to I270 South to I364 West and then to Sams to buy steaks. That's how I laid it out to her and she had to look for the signs, get in the correct lane while keeping a constant speed and all that rot. She did an excellent job. Her next big task is the final examination trip to Chicago this summer. After that, she's on her own. Overall, it was an excellent day--and, Ribeyes were on sale for $6.67/lb.